Anne & Mike Howard

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“Personal Connection” Series – Mike & Anne Howard – 16 Jan 21
“Personal Connection” Series – Mike & Anne Howard – 12 May 18

Mike and Anne Howard

9 years after they left on their honeymoon, Mike and Anne Howard are still going strong — and the honeymoon continues.  During that time they’ve traveled domestic and abroad, they’ve written several travel books and they regularly blog on their travels.  They’ve crafted travel hacks to enjoy their adventures, save money and maximize opportunity.  The Howards have joined us a few times now over the years, and since the Coronavirus pandemic has upended so much of the travel world, as we’re now into a new year we decided to check-in with the couple known as HoneyTrek for a catch-up.  During our live broadcast on 16 January 2021, we reconnected with Mike and Anne while they were traveling in California in their RV “Buddy” at Fossil Falls.  To hear the latest from these sustained honeymooners, simply click on the play arrow immediately following this text to access the full interview that aired across the 460+ affiliates airing RMWorldTravel with Robert & Mary Carey and Rudy Maxa


How long is too long for a honeymoon?  Well that’s what Mike and Anne Howard are trying to find out.  They were married back in 2012, and decided to quit their jobs, sell most of their possessions and never come back from their honeymoon, opting to travel the world.  And the adventures continue today.  The couple known as HoneyTrek have been on the program multiple times in the past to keep us current with their journey, and on the 12 May 18 live broadcast of RMWorldTravel with Robert & Mary Carey and Rudy Maxa, the Howards reconnected with us to share their experiencing traveling in an old RV, glamping and share some other travel thoughts …. Here’s that interview —