Dave and Sky Manning

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“Personal Connection” – Dave & Sky Manning

Captain Dave Manning, Pilot
First-Officer Sky Manning, Pilot

The ambition to soar and fly through the skies is strong for Captain Dave Manning and his daughter First-Officer Sky Manning.  Respecting the power of their aircraft as well as understanding the skill, training and nuances to be a successful pilot is something they both take seriously.  And sharing a mutual passion for aviation, aircraft and “Manning” a plane connects them in a way that most father/daughter relationships can never realize.

A graduate of the U.S. Navy Flight School as a Naval Aviator with a US Coast Guard officer commission, Dave is an American Airlines 787 Dreamliner Captain, having piloted Boeing 727, 737, 757, 767 and MD-80 aircraft for the company over the years.  Marrying an American Airlines Flight Attendant and with love of flying clearly in the family, that perhaps set in motion the eventual career pursuit of Sky Manning once she came along — and today’s she’s working her way through training with another airline as a First-Officer, flying their Embrarer aircraft.

During our live national broadcast of America’s #1 Travel Radio Show on 20 January 2024, we invited this Father/Daughter flying duo to join us for the “Personal Connection” segment of the show, and share some of their experiences and objectives from the Aviation Sector of the Travel World.

Now that our popular national program has been transmitted via satellite across the USA to our 570+ weekly radio stations airing RMWorldTravel with Robert & Mary Carey and Rudy Maxa, you can access the audio archive in .mp3 format by simply clicking on the play arrow that follows this text…