Deb and Dave Bouskill

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“Personal Connection” Series – Deb and Dave Bouskill

Dave and Deb Bouskill, Adventurers/Bloggers

Travel has clearly influenced the lives of Deb and Dave Bouskill in a major way, and their popular website and travel blog, The Planet D, is filled with inspirational stories that will motivate you to live a fulfilled life and help you find your purpose through travel.  We’ve enjoyed having them on with us in the past, as well as staying up-to-date on their travels — but as the World Turned Upside Down, their trip between Mexico and Canada, and then from Florida back to Canada as they moved their parents back north before the border was closed created some anxious moments and challenges.  With the Coronavirus pandemic growing across North America, during our 21 March 2020 live broadcast of RMWorldTravel with Robert & Mary Carey and Rudy Maxa, we invited Dave and Deb to share their story with us, and provide a live report on the conditions in Canada at the moment.  You can hear the full interview that aired across our network of 415+ affiliates nationwide of America’s #1 Travel Radio Show by clicking on the arrow below …