Destination Spotlight 21: Charleston, SC

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Listen to our Destination Spotlight on Charleston

Linn Lesesne, Chairwoman
Charleston Convention & Visitors Bureau

For our 21th installment of the RMWorldTravel Connection “Destination Spotlight” we head to the Palmetto State, or the 8th State in our nation, to focus on the popular port city of Charleston. If you follow any travel publication or online blog over the past 5 years or so, Charleston consistently ranks #1 or near the top of almost every list for favorite places to visit. The area enjoys a temperate climate and oozes history. From its friendly locals, to well regarded restaurant scene, Charleston is home to many plantations, an active coastline, and many cultural attractions. And to get a read on the area from a local, we invited Linn Lesesne as her family roots go back to nearly the beginning. Here’s a link to our discussion with Linn, the Chair of Charleston’s CVB …