Frank Comito

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Listen to Frank Comito – 10 Apr 21

Listen to ‘Chief Travel Leader’ Frank Comito – 7 Nov 20

Listen to ‘Chief Travel Leader’ Frank Comito – 16 May 20

Frank Comito
Caribbean Hotel & Tourism Association

If you’re a regular listener then you know that Frank Comito, of the Caribbean Hotel & Tourism Association is a Show Friend, and keeps us updated on all things involving the islands that are so popular with travelers.  They operate with a single mission — to ensure the Caribbean is the most desirable place in the world to visit, live, work and do business.  That’s during “normal times” but we’re currently operating in the “upside world” as the Coronavirus continues to have wide impacts on the travel world.

Now that we’re into April 2021, Spring has sprung as they say, and with the Spring travel season fully underway, and the Summer travel season not too far off with more bookings happening each day, we decided it was time for an update on the Caribbean — and who better to provide the updates on what’s happening, how they’re managing the Coronavirus, things to consider when traveling to one or more of the Caribbean islands and more than Frank Comito!  During our live national broadcast of America’s #1 Travel Radio Show on 10 April 2021, we checked-in with him to discuss this and more and you can find the full interview that aired across our network of now 470 weekly RMWorldTravel with Robert & Mary Carey and Rudy Maxa affiliates, archived for you here, immediately following this text.  Just click on the play button to hear it…



Nearly 6 months have passed since our last check-in with Frank, and with the Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays nearly upon us, and many people eager to find some inviting winter travel destinations for the early New Year, the Caribbean is one place that has the “welcome mat” out for Americans these days.  To get an update on their current operations, expectations for the months ahead and to also get a little personal with CH&TA CEO Frank Comito about his passions for these special islands — on November 7th 2020, we reconnected with him for our “Chief Travel Leader” interview during our live broadcast of America’s #1 Travel Radio Show.  You can hear the complete conversation that aired across the 440+ affiliates now airing RMWorldTravel with Robert & Mary Carey and Rudy Maxa, simply by clicking on the play arrive following this text …


The Caribbean has managed the pandemic relatively well and with a focus on remerging and what’s required for the recovery that will be necessary — on our live broadcast of RMWorldTravel with Robert & Mary Carey and Rudy Maxa on 16 May 2020, we invited CH&TA CEO Frank Comito back to discuss current operations and planning that’s underway to help safeguard and attract travelers to the region.  To hear the full conversation that aired as part of our “Chief Travel Leader” series across the 415+ affiliates nationwide airing simply click the play arrow below to access the now archived audio …