Jen Brown

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“Personal Connection” Series – Jen Brown

Jen Brown, Army Veteran, Teacher, World Traveler

We happened across this website and blog and it immediately spoke to us.  Jen Brown loves to teach her high school history classes, she’s an avid traveler, and enjoys hiking all types of terrain.  She’s an Army Veteran, and everyday takes on her battles with Multiple Sclerosis.  But what keeps her happy are her various travel experiences and adventures — as she looks forward to her next and the one after that, and then after that….  To Jen, the world is a place to explore travel, learn, experience history, teach and everything else.  For our latest “Personal Connection” episode of our national travel program, we invited Jen to join us on the 16 November 2019 edition of RMWorldTravel with Robert & Mary Carey and Rudy Maxa, and to hear the full interview that aired across our network of 410+ affiliates nationwide, simply click on the arrow below …