Jo Franco

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“Personal Connection” – Jo Franco

Jo Franco, World Traveler, Polyglot, Author, TV Host

From documenting her sustained world travels on YouTube, to co-hosting the Netflix series “The World’s Most Amazing Vacation Rentals” — there’s a good chance you’ve seen Jo Franco in action.  Her fun personality is infectious as is her passion and curiosity for travel.  A polyglot who is comfortable communicating in 5 languages (English, French, Portuguese, Spanish and Italian) — Jo’s also a lifelong journaler who has just turned those skills into writing “Fluentish” to help share how everyone is capable of learning a language — but the secret is knowing how to learn the language.

During our live national broadcast of America’s #1 Travel Radio Show on 9 December 2023, we invited Jo to join us for the latest “Personal Connection” segment of our show, as we delved into her passions for travel and how her move from Brazil to America ignited them.  We also talked about things she’s learned along the way, her ambitions moving forward and more.

To hear the interview that was transmitted via satellite and aired across the USA via our now 535+ weekly stations broadcasting RMWorldTravel with Robert & Mary Carey and Rudy Maxa, simply click on the play arrow immediately following this text…