Laurie Woolever

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“Write-Stuff” Series – Laurie Woolever

Laurie Woolever
Author / Writer

Anthony Bourdain was as passionate about travel as we are — and those travels took him to many parts of the world.  Laurie Woolever spent nearly a decade assisting him with these travels and co-authoring books with him.  She’s now completed their last book together “World Travel: An Irreverent Guide”…  Since that’s a big part of what we’re all about, on our 21 August 2021 live national broadcast of RMWorldTravel with Robert & Mary Carey and Rudy Maxa, Laurie joined the show to discuss the book, her connections to Anthony and places they visited.  If you missed the show or want to hear this “Write-Stuff” interview that was broadcast across our 480+ weekly affiliates airing America’s #1 Travel Radio Show — just click on the play arrow below this text…