Lydia Pyne

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“Write-Stuff” Series – Lydia Pyne

Lydia Pyne, PhD

Post telegram but pre Instagram, there was the Postcard.  Travelers have sent billions over the years — and although less common these days — they’re still out there if you look for them.  From printers to postal services, they’ve touched all of us and they’ve been important to the growth of the travel industry.  Author Lydia Pyne has compiled a global exploration of postcards looking at their history, science, technology, art and culture in “Postcards: The Rise and Fall of the World’s First Social Network” and during our 29 January 2022 live national broadcast of RMWorldTravel with Robert & Mary Carey and Rudy Maxa, we invited her to share some observations during the latest “Write-Stuff” segment of the show.  To hear the interview that was broadcast across our 480+ weekly affiliates airing America’s #1 Travel Radio Show again now — just click on the play arrow below this text…