Natalya Leahy

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Listen to Natalya Leahy – 17 Aug 24

Natalya Leahy, President

If you enjoy Ocean Cruising or it’s something that you’re considering for your next travel adventure — Seabourn is the cruise line we recommend.  They offer first-rate experiences that are luxurious, yet understated, relaxing and not pretentious.  Their ships offer amenities you’ll find on the larger cruise ships, but Seabourn vessels are more intimate carrying between 260 and 600 passengers.  From our travels with them we find their crew to be outstanding, the people we’ve met onboard are interesting and engaging, the culinary and wine options are truly excellent and combined with the many exhilarating excursions, on-board entertainment and all the extras they provide — the facts are once you travel with Seabourn you won’t want to cruise with anyone else!

9 months and 25 days had passed since we last connected on-air with Seabourn’s President Natalya Leahy, so we decided to change that during our live national broadcast of America’s #1 Travel Radio Show on 17 August 2024.  From discussing product innovations and enhancements the cruise line has made to their operations, growth within the Expedition sector including our personal experiences from the big “Let’s Go America! Tour” – United Kingdom back in April, to the first-of-its-kind naming ceremony of Seabourn Pursuit involving the Traditional Owners Wunambal Gaambera people in the Kimberley region of Western Australia, as well as things Natalya has come to appreciate about Seabourn and its team during her tenure leading the company over the past 17+ months.  Our conversation was engaging, passionate and certainly connecting.

Now that the program has been transmitted over satellite and aired across the USA via the 585+ weekly radio stations that broadcast RMWorldTravel with Robert & Mary Carey and Rudy Maxa, you can access the full interview again that’s been archived here — simply by clicking on the play arrow immediately following this text …





Natalya Leahy moved from her executive role with Holland America to become Seabourn’s President earlier this year in March 2023, and during her first 7+months on the job she’s been on a listening tour to connect with Seabourn passengers and crew, she’s launched a new Expedition ship — Pursuit — and has been engaged with ensuring “…the Seabourn way” continues to deliver for travelers as it evolves to become even better.

During our live 21 October 2023 broadcast of America’s #1 Radio Show, we invited Natalya to join us on-air and discuss why she has the best job in Ocean Cruising, share some of what she’s experienced since taking on her role as President, we talked about new Seabourn offerings and travel opportunities and also looked ahead as 2024 grows closer.

To hear the full interview that aired across the USA via our national radio network of now 535 weekly affiliates who broadcast RMWorldTravel with Robert & Mary Carey and Rudy Maxa, simply click on the play arrow immediately following this text …