Will Gadd

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“Personal Connection” Series – Will Gadd

Will Gadd, Adventurer/Athlete/Speaker/Guide

There are a lot of ways to describe outdoor adventurer Will Gadd — such as athlete, ice climber, paraglider pilot, former world distance record holder, teacher, X-Games Gold medalist and more.  Will became the first person in the world to ice climb icy Niagara Falls, he was the first to ascent solo the tallest mountain in the Canadian Rockies — Mt. Robson, and he’s climbed so many locations around the globe in some of the most challenges of places.  Will grew up in a family that hiked, climbed and went into the mountains whenever they could — and his love of the outdoors and yearning for adventure has fueled his passions throughout his life and led him to areas few will likely ever see or experience.  During our live broadcast of RMWorldTravel with Robert & Mary Carey and Rudy Maxa on 13 March 2021, we invited him to join us to discuss some of his adventures and you can hear again the full interview that’s been archived from our “Personal Connection” segment of America’s #1 Travel Radio Show by clicking on the play arrow below …