Will Sofrin

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“Write-Stuff” Series – Will Sofrin

Will Sofrin
Sailor, Traveler … A Person Enjoying Life

If you enjoy travel, history, sailing, Hollywood — spend some time reading “All Hands on Deck: A Modern-Day High Seas Adventure to the Far Side of the World”…  This maritime memoir follows a crew of misfits hired to sail an 18th-century warship 6,000 miles from Newport, Rhode Island to Hollywood in California.  Part of the crew included Will Sofrin, a 21 year old wooden-boat builder and yacht racer looking for some direction in his life.  In the book Will shares the crews race against time, battling Mother Nature, and shares some stories of perseverance we can all connect with.  During our live broadcast of RMWorldTravel with Robert & Mary Carey and Rudy Maxa on 3 February 2024, he joined the program to discuss this adventure and you can hear the “Write-Stuff” interview that aired on America’s #1 Travel Radio Show via our now 575 weekly affiliates across the USA — by clicking on the play arrow below this text…