Cathy Connally

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“Personal Connection” Series – Cathy Connally

Cathy Connally, Author/Traveler

If you’re like us then you feel food and travel share a symbiotic relationship.  We’ve all experienced an amazing meal somewher and then tried to duplicate it at home — with mixed results, or perhaps that experience made you want to return again and again.  Whether you’re a consummate “foodie” or someone who just likes to try expand your horizons by trying new and different foods — Cathy Connally has spent years bobbing between culinary and travel herself, and brings this to life in the pages of her book Flavour with Benefits.  Part recipe book, part travel book, part history and part memoir — food and travel are intertwined with ease for Cathy and her twist on French food with a healthy flair only adds to the enjoyment.  During our live broadcast of America’s #1 Travel Radio Show on 8 January 2022, we invited her to join us and share the connections of food and travel.  You can hear again the full interview that aired across the nation on our now 480+ weekly affiliates airing RMWorldTravel with Robert & Mary Carey and Rudy Maxa, by simply clicking on the play arrow below this text …