Dean Klinkenberg

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“Write-Stuff” Series – Dean Klinkenberg

Dean Klinkenberg

People travel the world to explore the various great rivers, but here in America we have one of the greatest in the Mississippi!  In fact it ranks 4th in the world in total length, passing through 10 States from Minnesota to Louisiana.  The Mississippi River shelters over 300 different bird species during migration season, around 25% of all North American fish species are native to River and barges move approximately 175 million tons of freight each year on the upper Mississippi through a system of 29 locks and dams.  Author Dean Klinkenberg has just written “The Wild Mississippi: A State-by-State Guide to the River’s Natural Wonders” and during our live broadcast of RMWorldTravel with Robert & Mary Carey and Rudy Maxa on 1 June 2024, we invited him to join the program to discuss this important American waterway.  You can hear the “Write-Stuff” interview that aired on America’s #1 Travel Radio Show via our now 580 weekly affiliates across the USA — by clicking on the play arrow below this text…