Destination Spotlight #93: Richmond

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Listen to our Destination Spotlight on Richmond, VA

Jack Berry, CEO
Visit Richmond

If you’ve ever taken an east coast road trip and traveled through mid-Atlantic states, you’ve likely passed through Richmond.  The Capital City of Virginia is well situated on I-95, as well as I-64 which crosses the State.  It’s a city we’ve visited a number of times over the years, and Richmond has continued to grow and evolve.  A few personal recommendations include Belle Isle, the American Civil War Museum, the Black History Museum & Cultural Center and Louis Ginter Botanical Gardens.  The Kings Dominion Theme Park is nearby, and Colonial Williamsburg is less than an hour drive too!  Certainly being the State Capital adds a vibrancy to this city and its food scene, but Richmond’s location also makes it a popular destination for many travelers.  Found in our 10th State, that entered the Union back in 1788, during our live broadcast of America’s #1 Travel Radio Show on 21 May 2022, Visit Richmond’s CEO Jack Berry joined us to share some highlights on his city — and why it’s a place worthy of your travel dollars.  If you missed the live broadcast that was transmitted across the 480+ weekly affiliates airing RMWorldTravel with Robert & Mary Carey and Rudy Maxa, or you’re ready to travel and want to hear it again, you can now access the full interview by simply clicking-on the play arrow below this text to access the archived audio …