Eric Giuliani

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Listen to Eric Giuliani – 27 March 2021

Listen to Eric Giuliani – 9 February 2019

EGiulianiEric Giuliani, World Traveler

Eric Giuliani was living the good life in Miami….he had a good paying job, friends, a nice place to live and a nice car — but it was all hallow to him, so he gave it all up and started traveling the world taking photos, making movies, blogging, and more.  All without getting on an airplane!  And oh yeah, he’s also 7 feet tall!  From his initial appearance with us on 12 March 2016, we’ve continued to follow his journey, and we think you’ll find his travel story inspirational …

Eric has proven to be a popular recurring guest as his journey has clearly connected with so many of our show fans/followers.  Under current Coronavirus conditions, his feat would be impossible — but it didn’t stop him from writing and publishing a book detailing his around the world trek that tallied over 70,000 miles and took him to 7 continents!  During our live broadcast of America’s #1 Travel Radio Show on 27 March 2021, we invited Eric back for his 6th appearance with us to reconnect, discuss his book “Sky’s The Limit” and talk about ways his life-changing adventures and travels have made him a more grounded and complete person.  You can hear the full interview that aired across the 470 weekly affiliates now airing RMWorldTravel with Robert & Mary Carey and Rudy Maxa, simply by clicking on the play button immediately following this text …


On our live broadcast of RMWorldTravel with Robert & Mary Carey and Rudy Maxa, for our latest “Personal Connection” episode, we reached out to Show Friend Eric Giuliani to check-in with him as it’s been about 18 months since his return from his 3 year world travels, navigating around the globe without the use of an airplane.  A lot has changed over the past 4 1/2 years since Eric began his journey, we’ve even completed the transition of our national travel program to Robert & Mary’s RMWorldTravel during that time…  How has his readjustment been going?  What’s he up to now?  And is he eager to get back out there to travel and see more of the world?  You can access Eric’s interview that aired across our network, now archived on our website by clicking on the play button below this text now …




As we prepare to celebrate Labor Day, Show Friend Eric Giuliani has been working it as he’s spend nearly 3 years traveling the world without the use of an airplane.  We caught up with Eric at the conclusion of his journey in Amsterdam, to discuss the impact his travels have had on him, learn some of his most memorable moments from the adventure, and find out what’s ahead for our “Travel Tall” friend.  Here’s that interview —

And on his 3rd check-in with us, Eric phoned in from Brazil on Day 958 of his journey around the world, without the use of an airplane.  Over his 2 1/2 years he’s certainly seen and experienced a lot, and he filled us in on some of his latest happenings in Antartica and South America during this interview from our broadcast on 6 May 2017 —

During our live broadcast of America’s #1 Travel Radio Show this past week, Eric Giuliani returned to the program with Robert &  Mary to share an update on 6 August 2016 — Day 700 of his travels.  Here’s that interview —

And here’s how it all started with Eric, when he joined Robert & Mary for the first time during our live national broadcast on 12 March  2016 and share with the audience what he was doing, why he embarked on this adventure to travel around the world without the use of airplanes and what he was experiencing along the way.  You can access the interview by clicking on the arrow “play” button below.