Ninan Chacko

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Listen to ‘Chief Travel Leader’ Ninan Chacko

Ninan Chacko, CEO
Travel Leaders Group

Since becoming CEO of Travel Leaders Group in late 2015, Ninan Chacko successfully has led the company to become one of the largest retail, corporate and entertainment travel companies in North America and the UK with sales exceeding $20 billion and nearly 4500 employees — emphasizing a focus on providing leisure and business travelers with personal service and high-quality travel experiences.  The company features an array of top travel brands that include — Nexion Travel Group, Tzell Travel Group, Roadtrips, Andrew Harper Travel, Protravel International, Cruise Specialists, ALTOUR, Travel Leaders Network and more.  During our live broadcast of America’s #1 Travel Radio Show on July 27th, Ninan joined us to discuss his views of the travel industry, share some ideas on what’s ahead and also why he’s passionate about the world of travel.  To hear the full conversation that aired across our network of 410+ affiliates, simply click the play arrow below …