Scott Higgins

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“Personal Connection” Series – Scott Higgins

Scott Higgins, CEO / Co-Founder

Veteran’s Day is this Thursday, November 11th — and we can think of no better cause than helping, supporting and thanking those who’ve served our nation and those who are actively serving.  Scott Higgins, served our nation during Vietnam — and upon his return he went on to enjoy a successful career on Wall Street.  But he felt there was something missing in the way this country recognized its Vets — and along with his wife Lin they set out to change that.  Enter VeteransAdvantage — a service they created to provide discounts and other benefits for travel, financial, health/wellness and more to Veterans and military families.  This is personal to Scott, and during our live national broadcast of America’s #1 Travel Radio Show on 6 November 2021, that’s heard on over 480+ weekly affiliates — we invited Scott to join us on RMWorldTravel with Robert & Mary Carey and Rudy Maxa for the “Personal Connection” segment and share ways Americans who’ve given the ultimate sacrifice can feel a sense of thanks and benefit positively.  To hear the full interview, simply click-on the play arrow below this text …